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7th Jan 2022


4 Incredible Construction Technologies Exposed For 2022

Construction continues to grow at a rapid rate, but it is notorious for slow adoption of pioneering technology, but why?

Knowledge, experience, trust in providers or resellers of new innovations – the point is, there are numerous reasons why construction companies do not subscribe to the latest ideas quickly, but it is changing now.

Below are four disruptive technologies that contractors are using to be more efficient and effective during their operations and builds.

⚡ IoT – The Internet of Things

Using intelligent smart devices and wearable technologies, construction companies are beginning to track more than their workforce – contractors large and small are making better decisions faster via management software and a good example of this is concrete.

What would you think if a contractor has remote visibility of their cement and materials? It is happening and has been for some time.

Regional construction contractor, Corbyn, use sensors to risk mitigate and prevent time wasting. With better operational management, rather than attending a site to find the concrete is still not set, field managers can plan their days around acutely accurate sensor management.

IoT doesn’t only mean better decisions for companies – this has a knock-on effect for their clients too.

When you look at the daily data volumes across industries, construction is one of the greatest users. The challenge with this level of data is managing it for it to be used logically, which most of the software companies still struggle to do, and even more so when they use white label software – not their own.

Smart infrastructure has a purpose and that it to optimise data, allow users to analyse it on software, which then enables managers to make better decisions in real-time. From this process, construction projects run smoother, use less materials and improve safety.

⚡ AI – Artificial Intelligence

AI is vast, unbelievably so.

In the context of innovations specific to the construction industry, AI comes in the form of mobile applications, management software and robotics.

There are many mobile applications built for purpose around workforce management and task-only objectives and these types of solutions and services are more and more available, however, there are a lot of questionable companies, but two I recommend are Paperless Construction and HouseBuilder Pro. These software businesses are changing the way construction companies and residential developers streamline their communication and have a huge impact on overall performance, i.e. complete projects faster and keep new build customers happy, for longer.

Looking at robotics, there are more plant manufactures like JCB looking at AI-driven cranes and bulldozers, but these will improve over time, as they are still manned.

⚡ AR – Augmented Reality

AR is possibly the most exciting area of new construction technologies because it is incredibly visual and immersive – as if you are there.

Smart devices have a tremendous role to play in the early adoption stages of augmented reality, but this is a good thing because it helps the adoption rate as most people are used to using their smart phone or tablets.

With the above said, how does construction benefit? AR is an enabler to the digital world, but for designers, architects and interior fitout contractors, overlays can aid in productivity, especially if the workforce has access to site-based tablets – if “worker bees” have full visibility of what needs to be done, not just operation or project managers, this can lead to a safer site through the knowledge of individuals knowing where they need to be, i.e. lack of movement around site.

If building designs can be seen digitally without the need for extra spend, the workforce will be able to see instructions and safety alerts directly in their field of vision – so important as it will help reduce the number of mistakes and improve productivity.

⚡ 3D Printing

Skanska famously used concrete in a secret 3D printing project in Norway back in 2019 – what was once can you imagine is now in action on many projects around the world, including Chicago, Dubai and Shanghai.

This incredible new method of printing houses and other types of buildings used to be viewed as pure science fiction, but 2022 will see a rapid rise in adoption because 3D printing allows more complex designs to be built without the need for structural support or external materials.

Another massive point is the fact 3D printing uses less energy than traditional construction methods and it is far more sustainable for the environment.

It is early days, but the potential is clear.

Self-build opportunities are on-trend and more people are considering the opportunity of building their dream home – could 3D printing be the perfect catalyst for this trending construction topic? The construction industry needs greater revolutionary concepts, but where IoT and AR will mainly be for commercial use, 3D printing can be utilised by consumers, too.

The construction industry, as we know it, is using technology to build better, faster, and smarter, but there is a lot more the industry can do.

1.     Trust small businesses more.

2.     Try new technologies, if possible, without commitment.

3.     Spend more when trialling new software and hardware. Unless projects deliver pioneering tech on scale, there is a greater chance it will not be adopted due to the false economies of scale.

Will you be a contributor to game-changing technologies or a prohibitor? Choice is yours.